Let's talk wellness... ...you, me, TODOS.
Whole Wheat or Bust!
Ever want to add healthy and delicious meals your lifestyle? Well luckily for you there's Whole Wheat or Bust (WWB), a blog dedicated to introducing you to simple healthy and delicious meal ideas such as the ones show below in the pics below, yup those are Whole Wheat Belgian Waffles and they're amazing, just what you need to start the day off. Along with inspiring meal ideas and recipes you can also find workout programs that are as good as the food. There's even surprising and useful posts such as "My Eastern Medicine Cabinet" and also a favorite topic of everyone "Why Does Everyone eat crap?". All in all Whole Wheat or Bust is a place where you can find authentic and genuine advice on how to make the most delicious yet healthiest food you've ever made. Click here or on any of the pics below to start getting inspired and of course learn that amazing Whole Wheat Belgian Waffle recipe! More to come here with WWB, stay tuned #Wholewheatorbust. +JG:PG for TODOSLifestyle +April 2012.